Originally Posted by TwinkleToes
She CAN focus, but she is very silly and almost too happy if that makes any sense. She often seems more UP than most kids. She is never down for or mopey for any extended period.

I have never heard my DD described quite so well. That is her...to a T! She has her meltdowns, but otherwise, she is very silly, and yes the almost too happy makes sense. It is a hard to describe thing, but I KNOW exactly what you are talking about. She is so wound, ALL THE TIME. She is always bouncing, moving, and twirling even when talking or focusing on something else. I have wondered if this and they eye contact thing is the same thing. She is uncomfortable in social situations so when she has to talk she spins, wiggles, does the splits, anything to avoid having to have an actual conversation. That is something I noticed today, but she does it all the time to.

Sigh, I would like a moment of calm LOL.

Yes, please do let me know what you have found.

Homeschooling on a remote island at the edge of the world.