Thank you all so much! It doesn't feel like aspurgurs to me, but just didn't feel right. It really helps hearing all of yall's stories. I just checked out the overexcitabilitis, and wow...that fits. So I am going to have to show that to DH.

Karin! Hey! It's so good to "see" you. We actually only did 5 lessons in right start. Ansley hasn't been in the mood and we have been busy doing other stuff. So I have just put it aside for now. I figure we'll get to it when she wants. I have left the abacus out and she has been using that herself. She's been more focused on other stuff lately so I figured , whatever LOL.

I will read more later and post. Right now Ansley wants breakfast smile

Homeschooling on a remote island at the edge of the world.