Originally Posted by Iucounu
Flapping, twitching etc. is possibly just a sign of an excitable kid. But I would still have her tested to see if she's on the spectrum, due to avoidance of eye contact etc. Better to know early than late.

I agree. I probably should have added that at 3yo we took DS to a developmental pediatrician. I have a background in children's mental health and really didn't feel that he met the criteria for something on the spectrum, but his school was having difficulties with him and recommended it...so we figured it couldn't hurt. The results were that he does not have anything on the spectrum, but that he was just really bright and did some sensory seeking things (spinning, etc.). My DS has pretty good eye contact most of the time. He has had some periods of things that look like flapping, lately it is shoulder shrugging off and on when excited. Again, I don't think other people notice it at all as it is not frequent...but I notice those sorts of things. DS is very intune with other peoples emotions though. He notices tones of voice and wonders why someone is upset, he notices looks and comments on them (at 3yo he went up to a man at an older man at a restaurant who was sitting by himself and asked him why he was so sad...) Anyhow, sometimes there is a fine line between things that are on the spectrum and traits of highly gifted children that are not. If you are unsure at all, it is good to check it out and see. It can't hurt.

Last edited by shellymos; 12/20/10 09:34 AM. Reason: typo