lol, well normal is relative. I do think it is related to dabrowski's overexcitabilities. DS6 is a PG child who sounds quite similar to yours in some ways. He had much more extreme sound sensitivity as an infant and toddler, but seemed to pretty much grow out of it at 4/5 age. He still chooses to leave the room if I am vacuuming or using the food processor/mixer. But he doesn't freak out about it at all. Just walks out calmly. This was a child that used to reluctantly go into public restrooms with his hands on his ears and would anxiously look under the stall to see if other people were in there and was quite anxious about when they would randomly flush and the hand dryers as well. He would freak out when loud busses or motorcycles went by and we didn't even try fireworks until last year (with earplugs). He did great though, he is just more sensitive to sound. He has always been a kid that can hear things I can't even hear. He also notices all sorts of sounds so I think that is why he hums a lot, to drown out other sounds. My DS6 moves around a lot. In playing parcheesi last night he fell out of his chair 2 or 3 imes, lol. He definitely doesn't meet the criteria for ADHD, but he is a mover. He has a few other little quirks similar to your little girl. He does a finger thing where he rubs his fingers together, he also whisper repeats things (although this too has gotten a lot less). Anyhow, usually when a new little quirk comes along, another quirk fades away a little. I just figure this is our exciting life and hopefully his little quirks will become more manageable as he gets older and as he matures he will hopefully learn ways to still get that sensory stuff he is seeking in a less obvious way (foot tapping, chewing gum, doodling, etc.)