Originally Posted by Grinity
Originally Posted by Artana
Grinity, I so agree with you. I have OEs, and may even toe the line of Aspeger's, but nothing tells me what I can do to deal with them. I have the sensory overload issue, but I function normally in work environments; however, if I have two children speaking loudly, both wanting my attention, one of them messing with my chair or tugging on my shirt, my stress levels suddenly go through the roof. I feel very overloaded. I also can't go into dance clubs, or anywhere where people will bump me and I have to deal with lots of noise.:/

I think there should be research into this topic.
What have you found that works so far? Artana
We have a family joke based on the time I blurted out: "I can only do 3 things at a time!" (apparently I felt like I was being asked to do 4 things)

Who can be calm with 2 kids bidding for attention at the same time?

Do any of us? What have other parents done to handle this?

I'd love to hear what is working for other parents -

Oooh, thank you for sharing. I use to be able to do 3-5 things at once, but maybe it is age, but my previous sensory overload issues which I understand more now was easier to manage/deal/ignore.

These days, I feel like I can do maybe 2 things at once but I really only want to do 1 thing at a time. If child is asking for something -- poor hubby, better not be asking for something also. Ha. And what was I planning to do for myself? Can't remember now. Noise adds to the stress, too. Too much talking adds to it.

One thing I've found helpful is simply to pre-plan almost everything to reduce the questioning and neediness.

Would love to hear more from everyone as well.
