Which ones in particular are you having problems with? I just went through a list of what they are on a website and I have to say my DS (ADHD diagnosis) has trouble with most or all of them.

For my DS notes helped a lot. I wrote each step to brushing his teeth and getting dressed on his bathroom mirror. He liked having them there and while he sometimes forgot to read them smile they really did seem to help.

I also teach him things one small step at a time. "Take the lid off of the toothpaste. Put the toothpaste on your brush." and so on. Even when it's not time to brush his teeth we talk about the steps. I'm hoping that the repeating will help it stick.

I have to laugh at him (and he has a good sense of humor about it too) because so often he just leaves out huge important steps that seem obvious to me. He routinely puts on his clothes over his pajamas. He's been known to forget to take off his clothes before getting into the shower.

The executive function that deals with frustration has been a hard one for us. I tried to teach DS a little bit of meditating. When he starts to get really angry I try to have him close his eyes and take deep breaths and count to 10 before trying again. Sometimes I don't catch it in time though and he has a full blown meltdown.