Originally Posted by Mama22Gs
I frequently hear that young adults today are self-centered and have a bad work ethic, etc.... In my mind, it's no wonder. The world has revolved around them since the day they were born and it never stops until they're grown up.

Yes! I completely agree. One of our main goals as parents is to raise independent children who are not self-centred. Our DD7 is enrolled in two activities at a time, maximum. DH and I both work full-time, I work shift work, and we have a busy toddler. She knows that it is too hard on everyone else in the family to spend all week in the car shuttling her around to activities.

Originally Posted by Mama22Gs
I also think that kids should have down time, but all of this should be balanced so that they participate in the family routine. Not every day in life is fun after all.

We want to spend time together as a family, not always sitting on the sidelines. DD has plenty of access to downtime, should she ever choose to use it (HA!). She also has a routine and respect for other family members. We always eat meals as a family and there are expectations that she chip in and help around the house.

I look at my sister and her family and I know that we could not do what they do. A boy and a girl, each in 5+ activities. They eat in the car four nights a week and arrive home at bedtime. Each sibling spends a lot of boring (their words) time watching the other at an activity that they are not interested in. There is barely time for homework and they all look exhausted. Maybe we are extreme in the other direction, but it works for us and we are all happy.

Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it. — L.M. Montgomery