I think it is fine, as long as she has time and is not overly stressed in finishing any schoolwork (I missed her age...). The only cautionary thing I would say is that if kids get very attached to a large number of activities, it is excruciating for them to choose between them as they get to later middle school/early high school. As they go along, the expectations for time spent tends to grow. As do their schoolwork demands. Easy to say that she will just give up some, but for some kids (D1 was one), it was a very painful experience.

We learned a lesson, and did not allow D2 to sign up for quite so many things. We let her experiment, but sometimes she had to drop something to add something new in (eg, yes, you can take dance, but you have to finish swimming lessons first). D2's transition to high school has been much smoother because she didn't have to dump a bunch of activities in her 9th grade year like D1 did.