We struggle with this a lot. My older DD loves loves loves outside activities. But she also really needs her downtime and she typically has more than an hour of homework a night during the school year. Our school also goes late, to almost 4 PM, so that does not leave a lot of time after school for activities and also downtime.

This last year she did Girl Scouts (2 nights a month plus a Saturday field trip every other month), Girls on the Run two afternoons a week, swim lessons on Sundays and she had weekly therapy for her anxiety.

This year she will keep Girl Scouts, have a weekly social skills group, and she wants to do dance and non-competitive swim team! And maybe drama! We can't do all that, so she is going to have to make some hard choices. When she does too much, it also exacerbates her anxiety and that is not good for any of us!

Mom to DD9 and DD3