I think I agree that doctors probably aren't prepared to accurately "diagnose" giftedness...not because they can't but because they don't really learn much about it. But I like this. How often do gifted people have the chance to step in anymore and say "I can do this without education." Back in the day I think many people who ran our country and got ahead would be considered gifted in today's world and few of them had a high school education much less a college degree. ex. Abraham Lincoln. But now college is so important for almost any field and let us face it.....many gifted don't ever finish school. I am finding it hard in college now after being out of school for almost a decade because I am absolutely bored with the assignments. I think helping to identify gifted children could be something that could inspire many gifted students to finish college. I for one am planning on spending my life looking for a better way to test for giftedness, to bring awareness to the cause, and even if only one child at a time build confidence in children who need to be recognized and helped. We should all come together and find ways to solve these problems. Maybe in solving them we can level out the emotions behind the subject and find a way to all get along. Maybe by solving these problems we can not only help the gifted find joy in school again but also help every other student find a love for learning.
I think there are a lot of factors that play into why giftedness is not accepted in many families. I have seen it in every race and on every economic level. I think many of the gifted are shy. Some are labeled bad kids because behavior issues that sometimes follow the ability. I think the most important factor that desperately needs to be corrected, is that the parent no longer feels the need in most cases to be in charge of a child's education. When a child is behind or causing problems, somehow it becomes the schools responsibility to make corrections. Parents have to be given and have to take more control over what their children are learning, at what pace they are learning, and who teachers them. We cannot decide that a school is just a place to send our children while we are work. I see this happen way too often. I have seen parents cuss out teachers and faculty because their child failed. When the parent is asked about what their child should have been learning, the parent has no clue. We have to change this American mentality that it is the school's job to raise our children.
I do think that more priority should be put on identifying the gifted at a young age. I also think that a few minutes with a doctor won't cut it. I think observation over a period of time is key...much like how ADHD is diagnosed. It still has flaws but it is a better start. I would like all pre-k to attend summer day camps in small student to teacher ratios. Then we group this with parent interviews and psychological testing. Each group attends a week or so and at the end a full report is drawn. If a child shows the ability to learn quickly or manipulate their environment in a way that may point to giftedness than they should be enrolled in a gifted magnet school......these schools I think should also have room for children with autism. I think these groups need to at least be taught together for periods during the day. (that's a whole other subject for me...I could write a book on) Then once enrolled the children are observed and tested for another 3 years...including children in regular public schools to help identify anyone who was missed or who had been drilled by parents to do well but really couldn't handle it. Finally, I think schools and programs for the gifted have to extend all the way through high school. I know once my gifted programs dropped off my involvement in school and my grades did as well. I usually sat in class and played with silly putty or read. We have to find a way to bring awareness to get something in place that will help determine who needs help. We have to find more funding and we need good representatives. I know cancer and heart disease need hollywood support, but my argument is that if we can fix the problems in our education system then we are more likely to find cures and solutions for the problems in our world. I do agree... the gifted always recognize the gifted. I think that is why I feel my purpose is to help find solutions. I think the gifted adult community needs to come together to make sure the next generation does not face the problems of our generation.
Sorry, if this reply is filled with grammatical mistakes. I have trouble writing and reading when I get hyped up about something:)