Originally Posted by paynted28
I have really been in a better mood since I joined this forum a couple days ago. I have even been more open in public. All the sudden I have started answering and asking questions again instead of just trying to blend in.

Wow Paynted28 - I'm really glad to hear this and want to accuse you of having a great spirit! Look how little it took for you to get to a place where you are willing to take off the mask and be yourself in a much deeper way than last week!

I remember when my son 'outed' me to myself, I arranged to sit down with my few best local friends and 'tell them' about how I am actually really unusually smart, how I mistakenly thought that I had to choose between closeness with other humans and being my sparkling self, and apologize for trying to hide myself from them. Each one laughed - 'You thought you were hiding it?' They had known all along! All that fruitless and wasted effort. When I realized that my son was 'watching me' and needing for me to model some honest self appraisal and self acceptance I had to start describing myself in ways that made me cringe by reflex on the inside - I had wasted so much energy trying to blend in and not be detected!

I still have my highs and lows, but it's nothing like what it was before I faced this part of myself!

Also - through my work, I come in contact with many families who are poor. I see the whole range of giftedness among my families. It's so much fun to 'see' folks who are also trying to hide, and to experience the joy when they can sigh from finally being noticed for at least part of who they are. I don't think that gifted children deserve to be accomidated because they will 'grow up and cure cancer' (although that would be nice) - I believe that they deserve to be accomidated because that's the decent thing to do! We'll get there....


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