I don't know. Our pediatrician pointed out to us when DD was 4months old that she definitely was doing things for her age that were very unusual (to the point that she'd never seen other kids DD's age do). All our pediatrician visits from then on have just reconfirmed this.

Maybe this is an usual example but I'm VERY glad our pediatrician said that to us. I think keeping in mind that DD could possibly be gifted made worry less about somethings and give us more confidence in others. For instance, it was helpful for me to know that it's not uncommon for gifted kids to sleep less or for them to be active non-stop during the day. It also gave me more confidence to follow her lead on things (like letting her dress herself) at a younger age than I would think of doing that otherwise.

I can see how it could go the other way where parents would assume their child is gifted and push them more but that's never been our intention. We used to go to the pediatrician's office with a long list of questions because there was so many things going on with DD we didn't understand. After doing more research into giftedness I realized that maybe some of things weren't as crazy as I had initially thought. I really helped to set my mind at ease.