does help to hear it sometimes. I actually plan on teaching the gifted and hopefully I will oneday open a school for the gifted...actually I want most of the children to be from broken homes or low incomes. I think that would help in many ways. I have noticed that most of the so called gifted schools in the area take mostly children from middle to upper-class income levels. What I gathered from comments today was many people beleive the gifted are just from "good" families who had the means to teach their children or put them in nice preschools. So, the class thought the gifted are somehow just rich people trying to escape the regular schools. I haven't actually spoken yet, I just got to choose the topic today. I am hoping to inform others in my class.
Haha my boyfriend tells me women shouldn't drive all the time:) Of course he is just trying to annoy me. I just tell him men shouldn't open their mouths:) We enjoy pestering each other. He knows people played the "you're just a girl" card on me alot when I was a kid so he thinks it will annoy me now; too bad I am an adult now, right:)
I do think there are so many aspects of the term gifted. I actually think that it might be a better idea if children had an easier way to advance based on level of ability rather than age. I know if I had had that opportunity I would have graduated by 12:)But it was hard to skip grades in my school system.
I remember in 6th grade I used to race this boy next to me doing classwork. That was the only way we could make it interesting. Another boy would try to race with us, but he would mess up a lot. My teacher separated all of us so we wouldn't be a bad influence. The boy's mom still hates me. She seems to blame me because her son got lower grades. I was just a kid though. I didn't try to get him to race with us to finish first. But his mom even makes comments to my mom about it now, 16 years later, and has said mean things about my daughter not being "bright". I guess my point is that I am not sure there is any way to not only help gifted children advance but to also make every other child and parent happy, without separating the gifted. I don't know...don't hold me to this post. I am tired and rambling. I guess I am just brainstorming. I really would like to figure out a way to make as many people as possible understand and enjoy learning instead of worrying what the person next to them is doing and how that makes them feel:)