We need to consider ourselves like any 'identity group' and seek to win the hearts and minds of our neighbors. After all, if the families believe that the money is worth spending to accomidate one's town's young gifties, then the schools will surely follow.

"Gifted" is one of those words that means different things to different people, so it's best to never use it without checking to see what your listener thinks it means. There truly is no universally accepted meaning of 'Gifted.'

Think of how women suffered doubt, boredom and loneliness as their own private individual 'issue' before the Women's Movement. Then women started talking to each other, and found out that many of their issues weren't 'their fault' but a refection of the culture at that moment. Then women started to change the systemic forces that were anti-female AND to win allies among men so that there is a greater understanding of the variety of human needs. I'm not a huge fan of every single change that has come along with the Women's Movement, but when I look back at how things were when I was growing up, I realize that some basic things that really needed to change, have changed for the better.

Really, when IS the last time you heard a joke about how terrible women are at driving? I just realized that as a child, not a day when by without this sort of 'humor' and now I can't remember that last time I heard someone make this sort of joke. And much worse things were said as well.

We have a very long way to go before we can be surrounded by people who understand giftedness and value each young life, including the young Gifties, but perhaps we can make change at the same rate as the Woman's Movement did? I am sure that all the people who heard you speak from your heart are changed, at least slightly. In the beginning it will be hard to notice a difference, and then a critical mass will be reach and 'Wow' it will be as though it was always like this. Our grandchildren won't believe for a second what we went through. Hummmmm.


Disclaimer: My politics are my own, and in no way represent the views of all of us.

Last edited by Grinity; 02/08/10 10:44 PM.

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