I brought up online learning at school regarding Math just to introduce the topic and see if in the future it would be possible. They seemed possibly open to it in the future but I'm really not sure. We ran out of time for our meeting and I really didn't get a read on how they really felt.

I don't think DS9 would be ready to do it next year. If he does it this summer and became very independent then maybe I could say it would be easy for him to do the following year. Maturity and needing to communicate to the teacher which was hard last summer with his 1st online class. I'm thinking he may try again this summer but I'm conflicted about what to do. I want to get him to the point where I could say, no problem he can do it and very independently.

Should I try for an online Math enrichment. Math is where he is most talented and that is what I would like for him to do online the most at school. I'm a little afraid it will be so awesome he will hate Math at school more.

OR should I try a writing class that he is interested in because if he writes better in school that would help him be challenged in areas that require writing. Writing might be his weakest area. Maybe this will be close in communication and requirements to prove he could handle an online Math at school.

I know there are less complex programs like Alex. They might be a great alternate if an online course like thru John Hopkins Talent search is not reasonable. I'm not sure I could afford this type of class for his schooling. He did it last summer because I received a scholarship. I do feel like a online class with a teacher to communicate with and class of student would be better. In an online class because he could share his passion for math with the other students. If he did Alex he would be doing it alone. That's a little sad. But it could work for a year or two. Alex is more obtainable finacially. So I could try that for him but I don't want to push him ahead in Math than he already is right now. I really need to figure out what to do because I need to apply soon.

Maybe there is something else he could do that would not push him ahead but give him the experience needed to give the school confidence for a Math online class. I feel like I can't talk to any one at school about this right now. I maxed out on their allotted time per student.

Any suggestions?

Last edited by onthegomom; 11/03/09 06:29 PM.