wow again! that sounds wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing. I heard from a local gifted teacher they felt the EPGY program was good. Thank so much for the link. I'm excited to check that out.

I also interested in John Hopkins because I'm thinking they did a big math 20 yrs study and it makes me feel like thay have a certain amount of expertise in this area. I also like North Western because they seem to have some out of the box enrichment Math that might be very interesting for him.

I wonder how one would figure out if a particular math is better than another.

My DS9 is going into 3rd grade. I like the saxon math they teach in his school except they teach it too slow. I'm not much of a math person to be able know if something is better. At some point I would like to let my son go at his own speed in math and do an online course - so I'm exploring this.

Next year, he will do 5th grade Math in his 3rd grade class. I'm very grateful for this. I think his school Math may be too slow but he can get out his extra work book if he gets done early. If he is content that's ok at this point. I think this situation will keep him feeling apart of the class.