I'm wondering how this works in the class room too. Maybe there are not many people here taking online classes at school here. It might be good to talk to different online learning places and see how their students make it work. Let me know if you needs a list of places to check out. I bet the DYS people would have experience with this.

Having a student do something different must take into account the other children's reaction and how the teacher handles the situation.

My son has been allowed to go ahead in his Math book for past 2 yrs and then he gets out his extra fun Math. He loves this privilege and doesn't make it a problem by bragging.

I did have to put a stop to him bringing extra pages for the other boys to do at playground time because that the teacher's job. I think they all wanted to be apart of something together but were not mature enough to understand it was not the right thing to do. Some of the work he brought was to hard for the boys.

DS9 was taught that doing work that is just right for you is what really matters. Everyone can feel good at learning no matter what their level or method is. If a teacher can employ this attitude than that will go along way.

Have other students done online learning at your school? How did that work? If we get to do online learning, we will be breaking new ground.

Please let me now if you talk to your school about this and if you get to do this. Best of luck