He does Stanford EPGY math. A group within this forum has formed around EPGY math. He likes it better than school math because he can do it all on the computer and, at age 5 and mostly 4 during the last school year, he had a hard time writing down answers. The online math is much better for that. It is also engaging and has lots of "math" without numbers like logic, geometry, and reasoning which he also really likes. We like it because he likes it and also because EPGY math is significantly much more in depth than school math. I rather have him learn basic algebra and geometry concepts than continue with fancier multiplication and division.

I think the school likes it for him because last Sept when they assessed, he could only add very small numbers but by Dec. he learned all his addition and subtraction and was complaining about math being too easy. The online program keeps up with his abilities. The school is a small private school that individualizes instruction and truly believes in differentiation. I am impressed that they were so open to it. He needs supervision, but not a lot. Without as much supervision, he would just move more slowly through the program.

We'll see how it goes in Sept. We also want to try EPGY's online English which he can't take until he is 6. English starts at Grade 2. My son reads at the 2nd/3rd grade level, is great with reading comprehension with multiple choice, but is just ok with language arts. We are hoping that his language arts issues are just a manifestation of his average motor skills and that an online course could fix this problem, too.

A big study recently came out that shows that online education beat out traditional education. See http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/...p=1&sq=online%20education&st=cse
Check it out. My DS5 truly finds the online material much more engaging.