Originally Posted by Wei-I
A big study recently came out that shows that online education beat out traditional education. See http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/...p=1&sq=online%20education&st=cse
Check it out. My DS5 truly finds the online material much more engaging.
The comments were as interesting as the article. One comment in particular is from a student that gave pluses & minuses from a student's perspective.

I just downloaded the report and will use it as today's ADD-inspired diversion from long-avoided yardwork.

A few days back, I expressed dissatisfaction with using ALEKS as a learning tool (we only used to for review) because the student would have no opportunity for a teacher to explain concepts live and in person. I still have this reservation in situations where the kid is expected to handle the material on his own, outside of school.

Where I think such an approach could be beneficial, though, is for the student who needs to work well ahead of his peers, but whose parents are hesitant (afraid?) to pursue another grade skip. If our son could work on EPGY or ALEKS during normal class time, and the human teacher were able to support & answer questions, that might work.

Hmmmm. More stuff to add to the quandary.

Being offended is a natural consequence of leaving the house. - Fran Lebowitz