Well... so much for avoiding yardwork today.

Of the 93 pages (20 of which were devoted to references), I only read the Executive Summary (5pgs), Introduction (7pgs) and Discussion and Implications (3+ pgs), the rest (to me) was a bunch of statistical blather, with lots of Z-Values, Q-stats & p-Values. (In other words, I wish I hadn't dropped out of statistics!)

One of the stated goals of the report was to identify Best Practices for the use of online learning in K-12. I share the authors' disappointment in not finding any studies within their original time frame of 1996-2006. When they expanded to include 2008, however, they did find some, but not enough to be meaningful to this meta-analysis.

Still, though, despite the lack of a direct correlation to K-12 learners, it will be nice to keep "on the shelf" for future discussions with our school(s). Like our doctors, the school admin hates to hear, "Yeah, as I saw on the internet last week..." Bringing genuine research into the conversation usually helps.

Thanks again, Wei-I, for sharing this find.

Last edited by Dandy; 08/23/09 03:45 PM.

Being offended is a natural consequence of leaving the house. - Fran Lebowitz