Thanks for the compliment, Dottie! So tell us a bit about your oldest daughter..... (wink)

Seriously, I don't know my own IQ, and have been told that I'm "nicely gifted but nothing amazing" ((Hi Mom!)) I try to use this forum to develop a clearer vision of myself as a gifted person as well as of my son. I get the same intensity jags as other gifted people, the same need for putting my gift into service, the same need for recognition for a job well done, the same somewhat scary feeling of having lots of information at my mental and spiritual fingertips and trying to harness it into my physical fingertips. For me, the very act of harnessing my mind and spitting out the advice, is a door into my son's world. So I try here to throw off the filters of the world I was forced to contend with as a child, and use self-designed filters in the service of getting the better world, that I can almost taste, for all of us.

...and yeah, I do scare myself in the process, but I love listening to you all, and thinking about you and your families. I try to cut gifted adults some slack, knowing so well what most of us had to contend with, and I hope you all are cutting me that slack to - LOL - I sure need it sometimes! smile

Love and More Love - Really Big!

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