Trinity, I'm going to look into the talent searches and the above level tests for Sophie.

You are right: I am feeling kind of unformed as to what I want for her. I'm leaning towards supplementing at home and trying to find a 'peer' group for her. There is a school for the gifted (Sage school) that's an hour from where we live. I'm going to look into that, even if it's just to meet others like her.

I did find SENG and Hoagies.
And yes, you sound incredibly warm and loving, BTW!

Galaxy Girl, No, this year's teacher has yet to comment on Sophie other than to tell me that she is very shy. Actually, her teacher is a former Title one teacher (a teacher who works with academically challenged students) from first grade. They moved her up to third grade in an integrated classroom. This is her first time in 3rd grade. There are lots of kids in her class who need special help just to keep up so I think that the teacher is just glad that she doesn't need to do more for Sophie. I'm hoping that this is not the case but it appears to be and, in a class with 22 students, a big chunk of which have problems even keeping up, she's probably doing all she can. But I plan on having a meeting with her soon to discuss my concerns. I think that she will be somewhat receptive to my concerns simply because she seems to be a caring individual. I hoping this is not too naive of a view. We'll see.

Seems like you've done a lot for your DD and that is great. You seem to really be doing all that you can for her.

Dottie, I'd love to attend a Parent Advocation class too!
