Just to clarify: I didn't have a meeting with the adjustment counselor. I just happened to run into her in the halls when I went into the school. The adjustment counselor grabbed Sophie's file and looked at her test and made the "very bright" assumption within literally one minute.

That test seemed to meet the gifted qualifications to me, as far as they're tested in her school. That's why I'm confused.

Based soley on the fact that she scored in the 9th grade for reading comprehension and in the 99% in 7 out of 10 tests.

Sometimes I get the feeling that it's seen as 'bragging' and rude to bring up a very smart child's needs yet if you had someone that needed special help, it would be attended to ASAP. I feel like I was being brushed off and that, according to even just that test alone, Sophie had needs that the school wasn't fulfilling. Yet the adjustment counselor has me confused.

According to what I've read, they don't have to score in 99 percentile in every section and subsection, just in the major sections, which she did.

Am I wrong? I'm feeling very overwhelmed by all of this.
