I'm so glad that you're familiar with the Sanford 10! I'd really appreciate your opinion (and anyone else's) on this. I'll go into more detail.

We have 10 subtests on our report. Here's the rundown of how Sophie did:
1. Total reading: 97/100 this was in the 99 percentile

Under this total reading score were three indented scores, word study skills, reading vocabulary and reading comprehension

2. On the word study skills: 29/30 This was the 99th percentile.
3. reading vocabulary: 29/30 this put her in the 88th percentile
4. reading comprehensison 39/40, which put her in the 99th percentile.

5. Total mathematics: 71/74 which put her in the 99th percentile
(Under total mathematics was math problem solving and math procedures)
6. math problem solving 41/44 which put her in the 94th percentile
7. math procedures: 30/30 which put her in the 99th percentile.
8. Language: 48/48 which put herr in the 99th percentile
9. Listening 36/40 which put her in the 94th percentile
10. partial battery 252/262 which put her in the 96-99th percentile.

And her Lexile measure was 1095 which, according to what I've read, puts her reading comprehension at the 9th grade level. A good friend of mine who happens to be a teacher, said that this lexile score is very significant and, from what I've researched about it, is pretty indicative of what level that she is comprehending at. Maybe I'm wrong on this, who knows. The whole test result sheet is rather confusing to me, LOL!

Anyhow, I'd love to get her IQ tested but don't seem to be able to get anyone to do it here. It's very difficult unless there's some behavioral problem that warrants further testing, etc. and, even if she was tested, they have nothing that I'm aware of for kids like her anyways. Frustrating!

I know just what you mean about the bragging and, to some extent, I can understand it. But, at the same time, our kids have needs just as much as someone with learning disabilities do and we, as parents, want their needs met. It's very difficult to not feel like you're bragging. I have a really hard time with this too!

It's really difficult with my daughter because, I feel that she sticks out like a sore thumb. She's so intense and creative and well, unique. It's hard for her to find peers. She's a great kid. I just really want the school to recognize that she needs special help too, ya know? But, because she's well behaved and does well, they don't see a problem. And, whenever I try to bring it up, I feel like they think that I'm either exaggerating or bragging so I guess that I've learned to not talk about it.

So, when she got the test results back, ones that they go by here, I thought I could just use that as sort of "proof". But, sometimes I think that I'm wrong about the whole thing. That yes, she did everything early, freaky early at times and yes, she hummed note for note tunes from classical music after hearing it a couple of times at a year and a half, said her first word at *3* months, talking at 6 mos, taught self to read at 4 yrs and can read literally ANYTHING with comprehension but maybe I'm wrong about her. Maybe I am bragging. It's hard to know but in my heart I feel that I know. That I've always known with her. I just so much want the school with her on this one. To help her develop just as they would the other kids who need 'special help'.
