Hi MNTCMom - Glad to hear there is a better sounding school in your ds future.
Sometimes the teacher communications can be very helpful, sometimes puzzling, especially via email. When in doubt I usually give a call or pop my head into the class after school, when possible.
It seems to me a period without medicine in the new environment would be a better way to 'get a baseline' on your ds' behavior with more challenge. I think Grinity used that term/idea from her pediatrician in another thread.
It's just a logical process of elimination, you have questions as to whether more challenge/less boredom will help with focus for your ds, so it makes sense to give it a try. If you change too many factors at once, say environment + meds, you might not be able to tell which really makes the difference.
Re: charting, my ds is entering 4th next year and we are using a behavior jar, he gets a large marshmallow in it when I catch him doing something good, small treats at certain intervals and is working towards an overall larger treat at the end of a few weeks. He behaves pretty well at home, and does very well at school but needs work on social skills and interacting so when he makes an effort we want to recognize it, and he doesn't feel too old for it, at all! Ps, we had him officially assessed earlier this year, no adhd, but the social and a couple other issues to work on. The doctor was pretty surprised by his 'energy' levels...

Oh, and we did stop tae kwon do for a while, due to how far away it was, but have now found a closer place, really close to the school. Ds is excited a few friends from school go there. In the interim when he wasn't taking it, there were some definite issues with WAY too much energy.

Best of luck going forward to you and your ds!

Last edited by chris1234; 08/26/09 11:51 PM.