I feel your fear here! OUCH! Sounds like the tester didn't help much. One of the problems with having 'way gifted' children is that this means that you are likely to also me 'way gifted' and being disappointed with advice aimed for ND folks comes with the turf. Try to pretend you didn't get that email, and take deep breaths. He was accepted at the school and that is a good first step.

Take a look at these books, have you tried them yet?
Transforming the Difficult Child Workbook: An Interactive Guide to The Nurtured Heart Approach
The Nurtured Heart Approach, that is the basis of the top selling book on ADHD, Transforming the Diificult Child (1999) by Howard Glasser and Jennifer Easley, has now evolved and is now not only easier and more powerful than ever, but it has been recreated to help parents and teachers take it to a new level of instilling greatness in the child. This full-color workbook format provides an interactive guide to get the Nurtured Heart Approach underway. It will walk you through the process of fully understanding the approach, then it will introduce the strategies and will encourage you and support you every step of the way. It is enormously gratifying to experience the turn around to having your child be thoughtful, considerate, respectful and responsible. We hope you enjoy the journey.. . . more info > > >

Transforming The Difficult Child: True Stories of Triumph - Book
This is a collection of Nurtured Heart Approach success letters that have been collected over the years into this volume. Many of these letters are dramatic depictions of an initially unimaginably difficult child being transformed into a wonderful child now using her or her intensity well. The stories are used to teach and to further illuminate the three aspects of this approach to helping children. The author's commentaries after each story are intended to underscore both the healing components of each situation and to applaud the inspiration that comes through with each of these great

The Inner Wealth Initiative - The Nurtured Heart Approach in Education
The Inner Wealth Initiative is about the Nurtured Heart Approach - about creating relationships that energize and support success and positive choices - and it's applications in schools. No matter what subject or grade level you teach, in these pages you will find out why the right social curriculum is crucial for students to learn the academic curriculum; how most disciplinary methods are upside-down, encouraging poor choices by giving students more energy and relationship when they are doing wrong; and how to turn that upside-down equation right-side up. You will find out how you can instill inner wealth in students and guide them to ever-increasing levels of success with only a few minutes of intervention each school day.. . . more info > > >

If this sort of thing sounds like a match, it might be faster to just join the website, for 20$ a month you get digital access to the workbook and lots of podcasts, and in a month or two you'll know if this is going to work for your family.

We have seen tremendous change, but one has to be 'ready' to do this level of shifting. I'm don't know if your son does or doesn't need medication, (Glasser is very 'anti') but even with medication it's nice to know that parents might be able to make a difference.

Keep us posted - we care!

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