MNTCmom - welcome! Glad you found this forum. It is packed with folks who have so much great info.
My ds8 has exhibited some of the attention issue and forgetting of jackets, etc., you mention but it has been lessening as he matures.
Since getting several non-pro diagnoses of ADD, etc., and since reading a lot on this forum, I will always wonder if we did not avert some more severe exhibitions of boredom, restlessness, too much energy and absent mindedness by signing him up for dance and later tae kwon do:
When ds was 4 he was so rough in his play, and massively energetic I had to do something. He danced all the time if the tv or radio was playing music, so I went the dance route.
He is still not what I would call 100% 'graceful', but he is fit and mostly happy. And really, a tiny bit graceful, considering he is an 8 year old boy!! smile

I really appreciate Grinity's advice about how you might never know for sure, you have to read a lot, ponder, and do your best.
I wish you good luck, please let us know how it goes!