Just checked the book out at Amazon. Should I say I am feeling much at ease now? If it can be a success for other kids, maybe it will work for us as well. DS had "homegrown" charts before and did have some plateau effect , but the third grader teacher thought he was too old to use it. Actually DS last year had been begging for a chart. Although I don't think it might be too difficult to have his new school teacher to embrace a chart, the challenge will be if they will truly embrace the chart and him if this has been already stated to me that without meds a behavioral plan can only take it to so far. Earlier today, DS said he really wanted to have a "better education" at the new school (if albeit any "obstacles"). So I am going to take it easy and have an open mind, and really engage the new teacher(s). Thanks for all the support. I will sure report back, positive and/or negative.