I agree with you St.Pauli Girl...I told her that I would like to discuss it at the IEP meeting next week....in my eyes, starting now with the acceleration/gifted program would be better than waiting - I was very upfront and said that if taking him home 1/2 meant that he missed the gifted pull out time (if it happened to be in the afternoon) then I wanted it written in somewhere that I can bring him back to the school in the afternoon for that so he isn't allowed to slip between the cracks. I don't want them to look at this as a way to put off acceleration and hope that mom "forgets" about it...he deserves an education that allows him to work at his level. He and daddy started something new last night...he is learning how to do a microcontroller (which is basically a mix of computer programming and circuitry)...my husband brought home a kit and they worked for hours last night and by the end of the night DS6 was writing programming language in Ascii all by himself...not the typical first grade curriculum item!