I'm going to add that something to my point about behavior and acceleration: namely, that by making it dependent on behavior, the school is treating acceleration like it's a bar of chocolate or some other kind of treat. It isn't! It's a legitimate need that your child has. He has a need and right to learn.
Oh, as for the colors: I agree with you 100% there Belle. If you've already got a red card, you may as well give up for the day. It's not like they're going to give you a minus-red or something.
They used a color system when I was a kid, except we had to wear our badges for an entire week. They were made of construction paper. If you had a green pass (the best category), you were allowed display it at the counter and buy a small snack in the cafeteria at lunchtime.
Behavior did not change, but we very quickly learned how to make fake green passes so that we could buy a packet of potato chips at the lunch counter.