I have NO idea how this week is going to play out but all I can say is Holy batman about this morning....he was hysterical in tears, fighting me every step of the way to the car, yelling how he hates school, he didn't want to go, he hates his teacher, all he did was baby work all day, there was noone there he could talk to about his favorite stuff, he will never get a white card....yesterday he was excited but scared now today he is just plain outright stressed about getting his color card changed and how he has nothing interesting to do. I left him crying at his desk as I walked out of the room and I got in the car and cried all the way home. ARGGHH...wish things were.n't so difficult for these little guys...I have No idea how long to let this play out and I am just praying and hoping that when I go in for lunch that i don't see a hysterical kid