Originally Posted by Wyldkat
I was just attempting to show an example. I probably wasn't clear enough. I should have put "good reason" in quotes. For example: Girl throws away dinner untouched. She then says, "Ok, my dinner is gone I get dessert now" (and yes this has happened and to my knowledge she did end up with dessert).

Saying I shouldn't get in trouble because I didn't do it and this is what happened is a totally different type of reason and if it is true, is an appropriate debate.

Oh, okay, I guess I shouldn't have read your post so literally. I thought that you were saying that it would be bad to give in to a child who literally had a good reason. I think we are pretty much in agreement, then. (Other than to the extent that you are supporting forcing kids to eat one type of food to get another type of food, which I really disagree with from a health perspective.)