hi all
my son is PDD-NOS also gifted, possibly misdiagnosed but definitely has some social issues. We've found that concentrating on one friendship works better than doing lots of activities and groups. The teacher identified a "typically developing" child that had interest in my son based on some similar interests. Then they got paired together a lot at school (like computer time, walking to the office, etc.). Then the school kept them together for both K and 1st grade. This has worked very well and my son now sees this child as his best friend and they've worked up to play dates, etc. A sleepover is scheduled for next week.. During this time we've also done a social skills group and dance, baseball, etc. and havent' made any good connections there. At the social skills group the kids was fun for him but didn't lead to any lasting connections- many were possibley not an appropriate fit for the group and just weren't ready for it- And the other activities, the kids were there for the activities not necessarily to meet new friends. And the challenging nature of the activity was tough enough for my son so adding making friends was a bit much.