Yes! DS6 is doing one right now. He did one session for five weeks and really, really enjoyed it. I saw results. There was no obligation to continue with a subsequent session and I didn't intend to continue with it, but the results convinced me to take him in for the second session.

I saw an increase in DS's self-confidence as well as some actual hard skills. I would watch him while we were, say, in the store and he would be deep breathing and bringing his body into control. It was really cool. Tae Kwon Do will be excellent, too, for social skils, balance and stuff, but I would try the social skills group. Even just one session really paid off for him and we didn't attend a parent group. Instead, we parents were assigned organized, quickly instructed parental homework tasks to augment our kids' training. I'd find a way to work it in.

If it makes you feel less alone, our summer schedule features brain gym twice a week, social skills group once a week, riding lessons (for balance) once a week and we plan on adding swimming. You get the idea. It's a PITA and expensive. And, when DS is practicing medicine or building rockets in twenty years, you can bet I'll be reminding him. LOL!