My son did the school's social skills group, and it seemed pretty useless. No change seen, etc. So I'm curious - where do you find an external social skills group?? I've never heard of one. I want my son to learn what to do when someone talks to him. The other day, 3 brothers dropped by and my son kind of froze and didn't say a single word, til the very end, when prompted, he said an utterly inaudible goodbye. He's not an unfriendly kid, but he's so slow to warm up, I guess, that he comes across that way b/c by the time he's comfortable, the other person is gone. It's probably exacerbated by him having done a mid-year skip. He'd been subject accelerated since Dec, but his home classroom was just a dreadful environment for him. Hostile teacher. He's in a better place now, and much happier, but I imagine that could make him feel a little off-balance in talking to other kids. I hadn't realized there were groups in other places that might teach him how to do this! it's hard, as a mom, to tell him what other young boys will think and do.