Oh, re: school social groups - I forgot to mention, the school counselors had talked about a school social skills group, but that never came together.

The day after I read the dr's final report I called ds main teacher and told her about the depression and anxiety, how he seems to be beating himself up in his head about stuff, imagining he's forgotten homework that isn't even due the next day and so on. She chatted with the counselor who called me last week to discuss the social skills group, explain why it never took off and discuss just meeting with ds and a smaller group. That lead to my telling her about a couple of boys who seem to want to be ds friends, are in his class, etc., but one of whom might either be getting frustrated with ds talking too long, or perhaps even subconsciously jealous of ds being #3 in what used to be a twosome (the 2 other boys). The 1st boy is in ds gifted class too, and they've played at each others houses, attended birthday parties, so on the surface things are going well. But ds told me that #2 used to dislike him, but now they've warmed to each other . To complicate things #1 is now occasionally shoving ds.
The counselor got right on that, suggesting a lunch with the 3 boys and her, of course I thought I didn't want to drag the other kids into something they weren't interested in...and ds wasn't hurt other than his feelings, but she said she does this fairly often. She asks the kids if they are willing to participate in a lunch or other activity.
Well I figured this would take forever to even happen, but I asked ds if the counselor has asked him, and he said, yes, she asked and then we all had lunch yesterday! I was really curious what transpired, but I gave ds a break for once and let him watch some tv and go to bed without a big stimulating conversation. Anyway, he said it went well.