my son has SPD and I have read everything I can find on it and have met with several psychs and doctors and almost everything I have read/heard states that a child with autism almost always has SPD, but it does not work the other way around - you can have SPD and not be on the autistic spectrum. My little guy has had SO many assessments and does not have the required checklist items/requirments for autism or aspergers and we have had 3 doctors all agree on the findings. There are several articles out there that seem to automatically lump SPD into the autistic catagory because as one of our doctors states - it is convenient to do so....SPD is where ADHD was 15 years one quite knows what to do with it or where it fits in so they lump it in with something. We have had so many doctors and professionals state that he is no way near the spectrum and his family doctor lately has been leaning towards that we just have a very highly gifted child that has some serious OE' before automatically jumping to the conclusion of autism with SPD, make sure to do some more digging and talking with professionals because there are a huge amount of doctors/people who do not think that all SPD children are on the autistic spectrum :-)

Last edited by Belle; 04/30/09 06:07 PM.