Funny you should mention PANDAS, Dazed, because I was just about to chime in... yes this is very interesting.

For the past few months I struggled to find a probiotic that my son would take. He refused acidopholus, probiotic yogurt, and Kefir, and I finally found a pill-form probiotic that tastes just like his vitamins, so he's been taking it for a few weeks.

I thought I was just giving this to him to counteract the antibiotics he's been on for months.

BUT-- it so happens that for the past few weeks I have noticed his behavior gradually improving for the first time in months... as if a black cloud has lifted off our house.

So thanks for posting this, giftedtichyper, something more to consider! I never would have given the probiotics that much credit.

This is all very, very interesting.