I'm doing coconut milk right now. Soy is a huge allergen and there's some problem with it in the U.S., like ours is unfermented or something so the protein is useless to us. I don't know. What I do know is that I can't have dairy and I also am sensitive to soy milk and that particular combination of allergies is very common. Rice milk is great for the stomach and delicious but not especially nutritious. My mom just told me about coconut milk (which is also antibiotic and antifungal) and I bought some just this Tuesday. The kids drank it like it was going out of style, fell asleep and woke up in the morning with rosy cheeks. So, I'm going back to the whole foods (only place that stocks it here) today to buy two gallons. It's called "So Delicious". I tried their ice cream but it was too coconut-ey but the kids loved their yogurt.

Cow's milk is mucus forming so if you're going to do that, there will be mucus issues in all of their forms. However, I have just learned something very interesting about cow's milk. It's not necessarily the casein that's the problem. When they take the fat out of milk, they add back in a bunch of vitamins and other stuff. The vitamins can be sourced from chemicals that cause reactions. So, if you choose to serve cow's milk, make it whole milk, not skim. Kids with neuro issues need all the fat they can get, anyway, over three years old or not.