Along the same lines but a little off-topic, what do you think about giving a child soy milk? My son (7) has been drinking soy milk since he was one, after several ear infections. My mom finally said, "you know, it could be dairy, two of your sisters couldn't tolerate cow's milk". So we switched to soy milk (well, formula first then soy milk). And, lo, and behold, the ear infections and sinus infections cleared up.

Since then, however, I've had two people tell me interesting thigs about soy milk. The first is that it inhibits intellectual growth in boys. The second is that since soy milk has a lot of estrogen, it can cause problems in boys by messing with their hormones. We do let him have dairy in pizza and ice cream because he loves them. When we had allergy testing, he tested very low for a reaction to casein, the protein in dairy.

Thoughts, comments, questions? Is the soy milk contributing to some of the behavior prolems we're seeing? He usually has 2 cups a day, sometimes 3.