Well, I'm looking at this as three separate issues. We have the possible/likely AD/HD, the scores and the boy. Yes, he likely has AD/HD. I hesitate with the label because he hasn't had a differential diagnosis workup, not because I'm in AD/HD denial. I want to be sure that we give him the proper treatment and I'm not satisfied with "probably" AD/HD, although we are going to begin a new non-medical treatment program this week. So, I am attending to whatever is going on that's affecting his WMI and PSI and I view that as a priority.

Then we have the scores. I realize that FSIQ 118 is not stellar but I'm looking at his GAI 129 as a better reflection of his intelligence. The GAI is recommended if there is a 20 point diff between VCI and WMI, right? I don't remember where I'm getting that number. But, I do think that's a statistically significant gap there according to the WISC folks. Also, his teachers and the tester think he's gifted.

Then, we have the boy. He is boooooorrreeddd! Truth be told, I'm acting like it's limited to math, but it's the whole curriculum. I'm not hung up on grade skipping, although I strongly believe it would help. I'm hung up on making things better for him and not waiting for them to magically get better. Maybe the national curriculum is just a joke for everyone and most people are o.k. with that. I don't know. I'm just at a point where I'm trying to figure out what I should do for his educational plan for the remainder of the year and for next year, too.