Well, as I was sort of thinking out loud I am probably somewhat off-base...but the link I posted, 'Who are the gifted with the new Wisc' (IV) does seem to hold up GAI as a better gt standard than fsiq. I think I was probably inferring from personal experience and this article that speed can be changed. Eg: I am faster now than when I was young, and for me this has been due partly to better confidence. But, upon reflection they don't say that outright. For working memory, I thought I had heard that current research shows that practice in an area increases ability to juggle various bit of data (short order cooks who deal with multiple food orders, etc ).

We do not have an ld diagnosis, we are mid-assessment, actually. I thought bronxmom's comment indicated there are untimed scores and jumped to the conclusion these would be used to calc GAI, but that seems to be wrong. I am not sure what the 2nd set would be used for, then but if our tester provides these I will ask! (and let you know what he says). We went into testing alredy concerned that ds cogat score in one area might be due to speed issues or anxiety, the tester mentioned Gai as possibly a better way to look at things.