Giftedticcyhper - (GTCP???) lol

I have no idea about your son's IQ whether it's reflective of him or not, I'm not commenting on that. BUt when I read your post, it brought to mind something I read. A kid w/ a 125 IQ (again, not saying this is your son) can still be very bored in the wrong environment. It all depends on where the class is taught to and what the peers are like. I've also been told by a teacher that the top 20% of most classes, could stand to be accelerated to the next grade. So, depending on your son's school and to what level instruction is aimed, he could very well be perfectly at home in a 1st grade class. I think people get too hung up on IQ numbers and don't look at the whole child and also don't take into account the school environment. I have a friend's district where the avg IQ is about 115-120 or so due to demographics and so their curriculum is always a good half year to year ahead of ours. Plus their cutoff is 5months earlier than ours so the kids are 6months older! that makes a huge difference in curriculum.

In my son's case, you might look at his IQ scores and think, hhmm, he just needs a little differentiation. Well, our district is not known for his critical thinking at the elementary level...more reminds of a factory. My son thrives on critical thinking and being stretched. I don't think accelerating him a grade level would have done much would have been slightly higher content but delivered in the exact same way. he needed DIFFERENT. So not saying this is what is going on with your child, but just to emphasize, don't let them get hung up on his IQ score...afterall, it might not be an accurate reflection of him. And if he's been underchallenged and is losing his spark, you're not going to get stellar achievement scores either.

My friend's DD has ADHD and for her food dyes send her climbing the walls. Unfortunately, the diet that works for her is difficult for her mom to stick to for the whole family.

I've read some kids get skipped a grade and then are comfortable near the top and are happy the rest of their school lives.

I agree w/ Kriston to look at the options. If you can convince them of the skip and it doesn't work and he doesn't want to go back to K but to HS, and that is OK with you - what you do have to lose by trying?

Last edited by Dazed&Confuzed; 03/18/09 05:32 PM.