I agree. I wonder then, whether it indeed is easier to compare FSIQs alone (whether or not the bar were to be lowered, as Silverman suggests). I think the problem lies with the fact that one single number cannot explain the scatter, and the scatter better reflects the child's needs than the single number. I wonder, perhaps, whether someone could come up with a method to quantify the importance of lower or higher processing/wm scores that makes more sense. (How are they weighted currently in the FSIQ - does that half of the test, say on the wisc - have the same weight as VCI and PRI? Or is the weight less? Has the affect on "g" by processing and WM ever been "calculated"? is there such a thing?) Maybe, LOL, they could assign a letter grade to denote the level of processing and wm, and so someone could have a 130-D or a 130-A, etc., though that doesn't quite do what I would want it to. Or maybe come up with a separate number for the other half of the test, so it gets reported in two separate numbers - GAI and processing - though I think then the temptation would be to add them together (like the old SAT) which again would give processing/wm equal weight. I can't come up with any idea that still isn't comparing apples and oranges. I guess I'm equally befuddled.