Well, Dottie, I thought about what you were saying with the two different children and their scatter. In my opinion, and this is based on having a 2E kid, the ones with issues need the GATE the most! Take a neurotypical kid with FSIQ 140 and one like my son (who scored almost GT in spite his problems) and let's accept the concept that the work is ridiculously easy for both of them. The first kid is going to hate life but cope better than my son, who has trouble paying attention as it is. I mean, compound DS's AD/HD profile with 6 hours of boredom and it's a recipe for disaster. Truthfully though, this is the discussion of a pathetic educational system. Why isn't there funding so that both kids fit? I mean, I realize that there must be a cut-off, but I can't imagine a kid in the 75th percentile enjoying the environment as it is, either and there are a lot of 75th percentiles out there. Of course, then again, I was GT which may be affecting my perspective.
I do agree that it seems unfair to use GAI for one kid and not the next. It should be across the board. Someone told me it had to do with lack of confidence in the FSIQ because of the spread. I'm still uneasy with it, even though DS6 has an 11 pt difference.
I really love the 130-D, 130-A idea. We know that we can't describe a diamond with only one of the four C's.