This is so interesting. So, do kids with attention issues generally do better on the SB, as it is un-timed?

Also, I kind of got the idea that our tester didn't want to give us any information that would encourage us toward putting him in a gifted program. For example, there is no GAI on the report she gave us. When I asked her about it, she was dismissive and said, "most programs don't take GAI". That's o.k. with me because I was paying her for more than scores; I also wanted her opinions about placement for him and other subjective thoughts. I'm going to try to get those block design scores from her and report back, though. It would be interesting.

In the meantime, can I ask an embarrassing question? The way that I understand the WISC scores is that VCI/PRI are upper brain tasks and WMI/PSI are midbrain tasks. So, when he's put to the task, his upper brain may be sort of compensating for his lower brain and that's why the full scale is a blend of both. It's as if he's being slowed down by his midbrain. Does that sound right? So, if we improve his lower brain development/skills, his upper brain will be free to work on more cognitive tasks and we might see those achievement scores improve. If that's true so far, would it follow that we might even see improvement in his VCI/PRI or is that just set?

Last edited by giftedticcyhyper; 03/18/09 11:06 AM.