Admittedly it was a tiring week of advocacy. I've been focused on getting DS6 harder math and his teacher is insistent that he is appropriately placed. She did make a point to show me some areas where he has weaknesses (e.g., geometry, measurement) and thinks I'd be doing him a disservice if we subject accelerate him because he may not get a good "foundation". I had moments today where I considered that she was right. I know I need to trust my mama gut, but sometimes I question whether I'm making a big deal out of the whole gifted thing. (Only sometimes :)) Today I asked myself: what's the worst thing that could happen if he doesn't get the ideal math experience in public school. I see a happy kid and just couldn't come up with a catastrophic scenario. Anyhow, just venting... I'm sure I'll change my tune tomorrow and be back to hitting my head against the wall
