Originally Posted by Kriston
Truly, I don't think you can let it go in anything but the most minor of cases of boredom in school.

I really think there's an abusive sort of thing going on in many of these situations.

Certainly there are levels of boredom. 15 minutes here or there isn't the end of the world. But if more than just a little of the day is boredom, I really think damage is being done to some degree. The greater the level and amount of boredom, the worse the damage.

I'm sorry to soapbox, but I feel very, very strongly about this.

I'm fine with you being on your soapbox and encouraging parents to look for signs of boredom and address them as appropriate. Where I have issues is when you suggest that those of us who do allow our children to be bored for more than 15 minutes a day are somehow subjecting our children to abuse. I think you can be on your soapbox but still use language that is less critical of those of us who made other decisions. I know that you respect me and my parenting and I respect your decisions as well, so this isn't a personal issue at all. But when you get on your soapbox, I think sometimes you get a bit carried away. I would just like to see you moderate your rhetoric a bit. Is that fair?

Last edited by acs; 02/22/09 04:05 PM.