And Jool: I think the big question is, is your SON bored or unhappy? That's when you know you DO need to go to bat for him.(And do remember that if you don't go to bat for your child, who wil??) Otherwise, if your child is happy, I agree with the others above that you can take a rest and chill out

Thinks, I missed your post. DS6 is not unhappy. He says he doesn't learn anything new in math, but he also doesn't spontaneously complain about it. It actually scares me a little when he's so easily content with not learning. That's why we pushed for a skip last year. He wasn't seeing school as a place to learn

. This year he is learning in writing and spelling. He still loves to read, so I'm not so concerned that he's reading materials below his ability. He reads voraciously on his own anyhow. My thinking now is: ride out the rest of the year and consider subject acceleration in math for next year. This will be no easy task - apparently this school has never subject accelerated any student. Ever.