Originally Posted by CFK
I don't see any problems on the horizon. (Keeping in mind that he has had some accomodations, just not to the extreme that he could handle) He is a very happy-go-lucky kid. The glass is always half-full for him. It probably sounds strange, but he does not look to school as his sole source for learning. If he's interested in something that the school doesn't offer he learns it on his own. He satisfies his own challenge needs. He's the kid that checked out every book the library had on elements last year becuase he was interested in them. He is always willing to take risks and try new things.

I think the risk-taking is where our DS's may differ. In a classroom setting, DS doesn't want to stick out. If they say to pick a book from the lower grade levels, he won't even think about exploring the possibility of getting a higher-level book, even when I tell him it's okay to ask. At home, I don't feel there is enough time to challenge his needs in math. I haven't reached the point (yet) where that directed learning in math takes priority over self-exploration. At some point he will need it though.